The new playground area has transformed a bare courtyard into a playful and imaginative space for school pupils. The design provides a comfortable, interactive, robust and friendly environment that incorporates a range of apparatus for physical activity; climbing, jumping, running, balancing, swinging, crawling, and places to sit and hangout and elements that accommodate small-scale outside ‘informal performance’. The choice of graphics, colour pallets and elements of planning were determined through creative consultations with staff, parents and pupils.
To provide a range of play environments, the layout is arranged into 3 sections; a fitness strip, a green Island, and a climbing strip, including raised platforms that allow pupils to have glimpses along the Regents Canal. The proposed play equipment and features are designed and allocated for school pupils aged 5–8 years.

2011 – 2013 - commissioned by:
Hanover Primary School - additional funding:
crowd funding, Spacehive
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